Online Resources
- Introduction to Bose-Einstein Condensation and Atom Lasers
- Introduction to Bose-Einstein Condensation experiments
- Photo Gallery
- JDC Thesis Page: Download and view JDC Graduate Theses
- Movies of the BEC-BKT crossover in a trapped 2D Bose gas (2005)
- Introductory overview of the Ultra-cold atom collider experiments
- Lectures on "Computational methods for nonlinear partial differential equations"
- Movies of nucleation, growth and stabilization of vortex lattices (2003)
- Vortex movies of simulations which are related to some of our papers (2000)
- Classical and Quantum Field Day, Feb. 2004
- Classical Field Day, Jan. 2005
- New Zealand and Australian Quantum-Atom Optics Workshop, Nov. 2005
- 2nd Dodd-Walls Symposium, Feb. 08
- Student Symposium, Jun. 08
- Cold Atoms Theory Workshop, Dec. 08
- 3rd Dodd-Walls Symposium, Dec. 08