Lasers and Applications Research Theme Home
Welcome to the Lasers and Applications Research Theme website. The Lasers and Applications Research Theme combines fundamental research in physics and physical chemistry with applications of lasers and optical techniques. The direction of the theme’s research is toward advances in spectroscopy and imaging and their applications. LART is a multi-disciplinary research network with members across the both the Sciences and Health Sciences Divisions. Current research topics include: spectroscopy of molecular clusters and inorganic complexes, environmental sensing, chemical analysis, pharmaceutical development, conducting polymer development, novel laser systems, nonlinear optics, rare-earth doped materials, confocal imaging of biological materials and a variety of other health science topics. A major objective of the Lasers and Applications theme is to encourage the development of a interdisciplinary collaborative environment for laser-based researchers at Otago.
Theme Events
Activities currently include: an annual research workshop, an annual postgraduate student workshop, national and international visitors invited to Otago, research seminars, and industry visits.
Contact Information
For a full list of theme members, and their contact details, please visit the Theme Members page. For more details about the theme, please contact:
Professor Keith Gordon Chemistry Department, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand. Ph. +64-3-479-5378, Fax. +64-3-479-7906.
For theme-related administrative assistance please contact Mrs Sharon Taita. Chemistry Department. Ph. +64-3-479-7908