Theme Objectives
The Lasers and Applications Emerging Research Theme has as its mission the development and dissemination of information and techniques in lasers and related fields with particular reference to:
- Encouraging valuable and timely interdisciplinary scientific and technical developments
- Providing an effective and efficient working environment for researchers and postgraduate students
- Attracting external research funding
- Encouraging technology transfer to and support from appropriate industries
- Facilitating dissemination of information to the scientific community and general public
We will continue to move from supporting a confederation of independent projects and
programmes to a situation where theme management adds value to researchers and
adequately reports back to its members, the University and the wider community.
Specific objectives for 2010 are:
- Improve integration of the separate research groups within the theme by fostering research collaboration and encouraging interdisciplinary research proposals.
- Act as a source of expertise concerning lasers and their applications.
- Improve public awareness of the importance of laser-based research for the knowledge-based economy.
- Outreach to schools.
- Enhance coordinated links with other research institutions, industries and community groups which require or provide high quality research in lasers and related applications.
- Good management practices. Specific objectives are: to maintain the frequency and effectiveness of theme meetings, maintain the good communication between the organising committee and theme members, and to provide timely reporting to the University.
- Hold an annual research meeting of all theme members, and invite external researchers who will assist in fostering collaboration between groups and improve links to external organisations and the wider community.
- Hold an annual research meeting of all postgraduate students to increase the interaction between postgraduate students associated with the theme.
- Seek an effective and well-planned research infrastructure which encourages collaborative research between members of the theme.
- Support current research and attempts to attract new external research funding.
- Use the breadth of research interests within the theme to broaden and maintain high quality of postgraduate education specifically offer summer studentships and provide, where possible, support for affiliated postgraduates to attend conferences.