

Opening message from April Zack from the OSA.

Opening lecture from Charles Clark.

Thank you to the sponsors!

Peter McDowall

Geraldine Marien

The captive audience.

Alex Bulter

Evan Curwood

Tilanka Munasinghe


Meet and Greet



Lab Tours

The BEC lab.

Mikkel Andersen talks about single atom trapping.

Ana Rakonjac explains the KRb setup.

Jian Wei Tay does a laser demo in the quantum optics lab.

Viewing the ice lab.

Inga Smith talks about sea ice reserach at Otago.



AFW Poster Session

Casting a vote for best poster.

Counting the votes!

1st place went to Jana Say.

2nd place: Andy McCulloch



Social Day

One of two buses embarking on the journey.


Overlooking Tautuku Beach.

Photo credit: Varun Sreenivasan

Nugget Point

Group photo with Nugget Point in the background.


IPAS Conference Dinner at Larnach Castle

Group photo on the steps of Larnach Castle.

The KOALA organising committee: David McAuslan, Peter McDowall, Patrick Ledingham, Catarina Sahlberg, Ana Rakonjac, and Matt McGovern.

The IPAS guys talk about IPAS.

The official handover to Melbourne for KOALA 2011.

Larnach Castle at night.



The registration desk.

Charles Clark's public lecture.

Relaxing on the lawn at Selwyn on the last day.